KS3 online classes
Spanish KS3 Mondays 9.00
French KS3 Mondays 10.15
Get in touch for more info on KS3 online groups for French or Spanish

We cover the KS3 syllabus over 2 years and it's designed to give you a good foundation for perhaps continuing with GCSE at a later stage. I prioritise key grammar and topic areas but also include cultural detail for added interest. This can include football, food, artists, music, or anything students are interested in.
It's important to do the homework between lessons to keep the language alive. Some of the homework is exercises from the workbook, but I also send more creative ideas as well as songs and clips to listen to.

Structured around Claro 1 and Claro 2
We are now starting Claro 2 and will work through this over the 2024/25 academic year. Currently looking at the topic of Food and Hispanic dishes around the world.
Get in touch if you already have some Spanish and are ready to move through the later laps of KS3.

KS3 Spanish
online group
via Zoom
0900 - 1000
13 week blocks

We are now starting on the Allez 2 text book, and working towards the later laps of KS3. We are practising the tenses and looking at famous French people, including Napolean, Coco Chanel and Kylian Mbappe.
This would suit students who have some knowledge of French, but want to build up their confidence and widen their grammar and vocabulary.

£98 per
8-week block
Come along and try a session or contact me for more information.